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case study

How Monster Reached New Jobseekers Cross-Channel With Simulmedia’s TV+® Platform

How Monster Reached New Jobseekers Cross-Channel With Simulmedia’s TV+® Platform


Online Jobs Pioneer Reaches New Applicants During 'Great Resignation' With Unified TV Strategy

Launched during the explosive rise of the internet in the late ‘90s, the Weston, MA-based company Monster quickly disrupted the career services industry by dominating the online job boards space, helping render newspaper job listings obsolete, and gaining mass recognition through high-visibility tactics such as memorable Super Bowl commercials. But in more recent years, it’s been challenged by rivals such as Linkedin, Indeed and ZipRecruiter, whose marketing budgets dwarf that of the Monster’s. To make up lost ground, Monster began pivoting from big brand advertising and splashy events to a cost-efficient, audience-based approach to TV that leveraged national scale, data-driven targeting and planning, and the ability to strategically optimize in mid-campaign flight at a granular level.

119 %Of guaranteed impressions delivered
68 %Of the CTV campaign’s viewers reached that were CTV-only
8 %Incremental CTV reach generated with just 6% of overall spend


  • Target new audience of jobseekers in middle or later stages of their careers
  • Drive visits to Monster website and application starts
  • Reach untapped members of target audience while avoiding wasteful and costly duplication


  • The linear campaign delivered 119% of the guaranteed impressions
  • The campaign reached net-new audiences: 68.3% of those exposed to Monster's spots on CTV had not been exposed to the linear campaign
  • With just 6% of the overall spend, the CTV campaign generated 8% incremental reach
  • The campaign generated a 23.1% conversion rate on Monster's website

The Challenge

Overcome Audience Fragmentation to Reach New Jobseekers

By Q3 of 2021, the U.S. employment market was in the midst of unprecedented volatility as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on not just the economy, but on peoples’ attitudes towards their careers, how and where they wanted to work, and how they wanted to balance their new lifestyles against the needs of employers. For Monster, this presented a unique opportunity to continue re-establishing its role in connecting jobseekers with prospective employers.

With Americans in the middle or late stages of their careers now inspired to seek new employment opportunities and even completely new industries and occupations, Monster had an opportunity to get in front of a new audience, with a specific focus on  those familiar with the brand and  most likely to visit Monster.com and start an application.

But with audiences fragmented like never before across linear and connected TV, Monster needed a solution that allowed it to reach its target audience efficiently with cross-channel TV and drive key business outcomes on a budget the fraction of the size of its competitors.

The Solution

Leveraging TV+® Platform for True Cross-Channel Reach

Simulmedia’s unique TV+® platform for cross-channel TV advertising provided Monster with the automated planning, targeting, activation and measurement it needed to reach its desired audience wherever they were watching or streaming.

After a lookalike audience was created utilizing first-party data gleaned from a Simulmedia Pixel placed on Monster’s site, the TV+ platform was used to identify the target audience on both linear and CTV and understand the overlap of the audiences between the two.

Through direct integrations with over 250 linear and CTV networks and publishers, TV+ provided Monster with unified access to 120 million U.S. households. But knowing that 60 million U.S. households regularly view both linear and CTV, it was crucial to avoid wasteful and costly duplication that Monster could ill afford.

The Results

Driving Incremental CTV Reach and New Job Applications

On linear, the campaign delivered 119% of the guaranteed impressions for Monster, reaching 36% of the total audience in the target demo.

Just as importantly, the campaign reached net-new audiences on CTV: 68.1% of those exposed to Monster’s spots on CTV had not been previously exposed to the campaign while watching linear. In fact, less than 4% of exposed households were reached by both the linear and CTV portions of the campaign. And with just 6% of the overall spend, TV+ helped Monster’s CTV budget punch above its weight, generating 8% in incremental CTV reach.

Down funnel, the campaign generated a 23.1% conversion rate from New Session to Apply Start on Monster.com, satisfying the core metrics that drive Monster’s business.

Simulmedia's Monster CTV campaign reaches new audience chart image
68 %Of those exposed to CTV campaign were CTV-only viewers
8 %incremental CTV reach with just 6% of overall spend
23 %Conversion rate on Monster website

The Conclusion

Unified, Data-Driven Approach to Cross-Channel TV Gets Job Done

Monster’s net spend against its target audience was just 2% of its competitor ZipRecruiter’s. But even with that disproportionate budgetary advantage, ZipRecruiter only reached 45% more viewers in that target.

Following this job well done in 2021, Monster renewed with Simulmedia for 2022 to enable it to further use a digital, data-driven approach to truly cross-channel TV and continue turning the Great Resignation into a Great Resurgence for Monster.

The unified cross-channel planning and buying delivered by Simulmedia's TV+® helped us reach millions of potential job applicants that we couldn’t have reached with a traditional, siloed approach to planning.

Shaun Farrar
Senior Director of Global Media, Monster